

2008-07-11 本文已影响 2.67K人 




Hello everyone!


I'm learning a treasure, from the energy-saving, a few months ago, I was still burning the midnight oil, in the blink of an eye, has stood in their dream college, here are the students from all corners of the country, the huge Chinese, we can meet here, if it is not fate, we dream of the build-up here, I do not want to say, how beautiful, home or what university is one of places of historic interest and scenic beauty, the most perfect time, we can absorb knowledge, the harvest of love, oh, we can finally work in just ways to fall in love, oh, remember the first day of school, students enthusiasm for help freshmen the procedures and arrangements for accommodation, at the moment, we really feel the University atmosphere, it is a kind of fresh air blowing,


There will be success in the path of growth, but more is the frustration of failure; there will be happiness in harvest, but more is the hardship of cultivation. But I have the courage and the determination to face it all. So, today, I am standing in the middle of my classmates.


I like here and the students eager to fly, eager to have more room for development in the future, have the talent and the wider world. I think there will be a harvest with plowing. In the next four years, by the teachers' teaching, we will have a better future, thank you.


大家好!我的名字叫郑博洋,郑成功的郑,博士的博,海洋的洋,汉族。我的个子不矮,但和班上的高个儿比起来,就逊色多了。和大多数同学一样,我今年也是18岁。 我的缺点。主要是作事不麻利,自觉性不高,对自己的事不上心。上六年级的时候,学校就在我家对面。我却常常是七点半起床,要做半个多小时的准备才能出门,还经常迟到。因此同学们叫我"迟到大王".现在,最起码六点多就要起床,才能有足够的时候吃饭、坐车等。这对我是个挑战。

Hello, everybody! My name is Zheng Boyang, Zheng Chenggong's Zheng, PhD's Bo, ocean ocean, Han. I'm not short, but it's a lot less than the high one in the class. Like most of the students, I am also 18 years old this year. My shortcoming. The main work is deft, self-consciousness is not high, for you don't care. When I was in grade six, the school was on the opposite side of my house. I often get up at half past seven, take more than half an hour to get ready to go out, and often be late. So the students call me "late king". Now, at least six points to get up, can have enough time to eat, car and so on. This is a challenge for me.

不过,我一定要借这个机会,改掉我不麻利的坏习惯。另外,自觉性不高,上课不免做些小动作、讲话。前几天大家都参加了军训,站着要一动也不动。我感到通过这次军训,我的自觉性有所提高。我也希望在以后的学习中改掉这个毛病。对自己的事不上心。我在当数学课代表时,有好几次本子忘发,作业没收齐,挨过老师不少责备。我也希望改掉它。我有决心改掉我的缺点和坏习惯。 我的优点:我和很多同学一样,也找不出我的优点。我和父母讨论之后得出:较有上进心,较乐观。至于我更多的优点,就靠大家的发掘了!

However, I would like to take this opportunity to get rid of the bad habit if I don't. In addition, the consciousness is not high, the class can not avoid doing small movements, speech. In the last few days, everyone participated in military training and stood still. I feel that through this military training, my consciousness has improved. I also hope to get rid of this problem in the future. Don't take care of yourself. When I was a representative of math class, I forgot to send my books several times, and my homework was confiscated, and I had been reproached by the teacher. I want to get rid of it, too. I have the determination to get rid of my shortcomings and bad habits. My advantage: like many of my classmates, I can't find my advantages. After discussing with my parents, I concluded that I was more motivated and more optimistic. As for more of my advantages, it depends on everyone's excavation.

我的兴趣爱好。我比较喜欢游泳,踢足球,也对军事感兴趣。如果谁和我"志同道合",就可以找我交个朋友。 对未来初中生活的期望。我希望能在这4年里快乐地度过,能和同学们结下深厚的友谊,能从老师那里学到更多的知识和道理。 我希望大家能够了解我,喜欢我,也希望同学们能团结友爱地度过这4年。

My hobbies. I prefer swimming, playing football, and interested in the military. If anyone and I are "like-minded", you can find me a friend. Expectations for future junior high school life. I hope to be able to spend the 4 years happily. I can make a deep friendship with my classmates and learn more knowledge and truth from the teacher. I hope that everyone can understand me, like me, and hope that the students will be able to spend these 4 years together.

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